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Run Model

Now, we are ready to begin our run. All previous steps must be completed to this point.


Note that if you are doing an additional run, make sure that the folder you set your run_path to is completely empty. Also if you have a .zip file in your bucket named the same as your run_path, you must delete it before starting a new run.

Beginning AutoLFADS or RADICaL in tmux IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE

First, make sure you're SSHed into your server VM. Then, make sure you're in the directory autolfads/pbt_opt directory. If not, you can navigate with the following command:

cd autolfads/pbt_opt

Then, we want to make sure to begin our run in a tmux terminal. This allows us to exit from the SSH terminal without terminating our run.

First, type the following command into your SSH window (NOT cloud shell).


Then, making sure you're still in the autolfads/pbt_opt directory, run the following command to begin your AutoLFADS or RADICaL run.


Your run should begin. If any errors pop-up, double check that the Docker images are finished pulling on the client machines with sh, and that mongoDB is running with service mongod status. If prompted for an SSH keygen, just hit enter to accept the default keygen.


Active VMs can rack up costs when left unattended. Remember to shut them down when not in use. For information on how to stop, pause, and start VMs, go to this section.


Checking on your run

At this point, you can do whatever with your local machine (including closing the Google Cloud Platform in your browser). In order to check back in on your run, first navigate to and then SSH back into your server.

Once back in your server, we need to enter our tmux terminal. The command is:

tmux a -t <tmux_session_name>

tmux_session_name is by default 0 if you didn't specify a name. You can also check all your tmux sessions with the command tmux ls.

To detach from your tmux terminal, the command is ctrl+b and then d.